Our works in progress and unattainable delusions of grandeur.
The EchoLink is currently offline due to having to be moved from it’s previous location.
We have created an EchoLink node that is currently operational. The EchoLink runs on call sign W0UNC-R with a node ID of 573102. The EchoLink node will allow amateur radio operators from all over the world to connect to our repeater using their computer or mobile device.
An experiment in multi-mode digital repeaters. This project involves interfacing an MMDVM controller into a desktop repeater. This repeater will run primarily on DMR and will link on-demand to the BrandMeister Network. There are plans to feature a patch into the main WØUNC machine.
What is HSMM? High-Speed Multimedia (HSMM) is a project involving the use of modified wireless networking equipment to create a high-bandwidth digital network capable of carrying a variety of network traffic over IP. It is separate from the wider internet but can carry similar services.
Amateur Radio meets Optical Science. We are constructing a Software Defined Radio (SDR)-based radio telescope. This telescope will be measuring the hydrogen-line, and creating images based on those measurements.
MTR2000 drop in Raspberry Pi repeater controller.
The purpose of this website is to create an online presence for the Amateur Radio Club at UNC Charlotte. We need a central location to present information to the public as well as other members. The website should have a consistent theme and layout and should be modular in design.